Author name: Davindren Tharmalingam

Join Us: Innovative Tools and Approaches for Businesses to Effectively Remedy Child Labour and Sexual Exploitation

Join us at the 2024 UN Responsible Business and Human Rights (UN RBHR) Forum in Bangkok, Thailand on 24th September 2024 for a powerful side-session on tackling child labor and sexual exploitation. Titled Innovative Tools and Approaches for Businesses and Civil Society to Effectively Remedy Child Labour and Sexual Exploitation, this joint session brings together …

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Management System Process Categories: Allocating People & Resources, Assessing Risks & Impacts, Developing Code, Policy and Commitments, Engaging Stakeholders & Partners, Communicating, Training & Grievance Mechanisms, Monitoring & Independent Review, Correcting & Remediating, Reporting for Performance. Labor Performance Elements: Child Labour, Forced Labour, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Freedom of Association, Discrimination, Disciplinary Practices, Working Hours, Wages & Benefits, Regular Employment . These two concepts are depicted in a cycle , with the additional concepts of Worker engagement & Dialogue and continual improvement connecting them.

What is a Social Compliance System?

The MY Voice Social Compliance System (SCS) is a framework for companies to achieve and maintain decent working conditions in their operations and supply chain. It emphasizes purposeful and systematic business practices and meaningful integration of workers’ voices. Put another way, an SCS is a management system approach for complying with labour performance expectations.