Child Rights Action Hub

About the Child Rights Action Hub

The Child Rights Action Hub, a MY Voice Initiative, addresses child labour at scale, with a focus on child labour risks in Malaysia’s palm oil sector. The Action Hub, the first of its kind in Malaysia, facilitates collaborative action, enabling private sector actors (retailers, brands, and suppliers) and solution providers in the community to participate in joint activities and address child labour risks in their supply chains.

The Centre for Child Rights and Business, with its global knowledge and experience in child labour prevention and remediation, is tasked to manage the Action Hub. Amid evolving human rights due diligence frameworks and regulations, the Action Hub empowers brands and retailers to engage lower-tier suppliers in preventing and addressing child labour.

Our core aim is the long-term prevention and remediation of child labour in the palm oil industry.

Why is there a need for a Child Rights Action Hub?

Growing need for joint solutions which maximise collective leverage, impact and resources amongst retailers, brands and suppliers

Escalating demand for scalable, pragmatic, and timely solutions to remediate child labour cases

Ongoing child labour risks, especially in lower tiers, necessitate accelerating progress in addressing the root causes

Working closely with existing systems

The Action Hub works closely with existing systems, including government and non-government services, to provide the best possible solutions for child labour prevention and remediation.

Retailers, brands, international funding, donor countries

Malaysian palm oil plantations, particularly lower tiers

Plantation workers, families and children in palm-oil harvesting communities

Child labour remediation

Our remediation process focuses on three different levels with the following intended outcomes:

Removing a child from child labour to provide safer options or offering non- hazardous work if above the minimum working age

Develop company-level corrective action plan to prevent further child labour risks, such as policy development, systems change, or capacity building

Tackle root causes of child labour, e.g., access to education, income-generating activities, decent work opportunities for youth

We help improve your business partners’ ability to identify and address adverse impacts, creating a stronger risk management system for a sustainable and resilient business.

2024 Highlights

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Official Launch of the Child Rights Action Hub

The Child Rights Action Hub, implemented under the MY Voice Initiative, was launched in Malaysia on World Day Against Child Labour.

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Contact Information

To get involved or to learn more, please contact us: