MY Voice Panduan Program

Untuk mengurangkan buruh paksa dan buruh kanak-kanak di dalam sektor pengeluaran minyak kelapa sawit dan pembuatan pakaian di Malaysia.

Kredit Foto: Proforest

Berita Terkini

Sharing Knowledge and Good Practices on Child Labour Prevention and Remediation with Private Sector  

Since its launch in June 2024, the Child Rights Action Hub (Action Hub) has successfully facilitated awareness sessions on Child Labour Prevention and Remediation (CLPR) in Tawau, Sabah in collaboration with two palm oil companies, Wilmar International (24 September 2024) and Sawit Kinabalu (21 October 2024).   The primary learning outcomes of these knowledge-sharing sessions, facilitated…

Awareness Raising Training for National Union of Plantation Workers

Participants from the Melaka training session The MY Voice team organised a series of training sessions for members of the National Union of Plantation Workers (NUPW) under the Branch and Local Level Leaders’ Training programme.   NUPW is one of the largest workers’ unions in Malaysia. It aims to improve the quality of life of plantation…